Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stuff (Or, attack of the GIFs)

Wearing: Some new plaid shorts, and a pink shirt with butterflies (also new).
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: Coldplay, Fix you. Linkin Park, In Between, My December. Mumford and Sons, Winter Winds.
Mood: Bored, and surprised it's already 9:30 at night.

To start off, I'm cold. Maybe I shouldn't be listening to songs about winter and wearing shorts and a t shirt. Hmm, didn't think about this....

I haven't listened to Fix You in so long. I forgot how sad and pretty it is.

Today it rained. I think. Did I go outside today?... Whoa, no I didn't.
Be right back.

I'm back. Gosh dangit it's colder now.
Yeah, I think it rained today, but it must have dried up. It just feels damp outside.

I want eggnog.

I think I have too many bookmarks.
If you can read that.

Hey, I wonder if you can put gifs on here. I'll go find a random one and test this.
Yeah, you can. >=]
Now... Just... Ignore that, will you?


I think it's gone.
Gee whiz. *shot*



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