Saturday, September 10, 2011


Toby Turner, or otherwise known as Tobuscus
He's hot, he has elf ears, and he's freaking hilarious.
He does Literal Trailers, Cute Win Fail, sketches, vlogs, and Hot Symphonies. Someday I will write him and tell him he should do a Hot Symphony to the tune of his "Do-Do-Do-Do-Do Subscribe!" jingle, with pictures of HIM. x3

 Neil Patrick Harris, otherwise known as NPH
Let me start out by saying this: HOT.
Now to business. He's hilarious, he's sweet, he's legendary, and he's blonde (I have a thing for blonde guys XD).
Alas, he is gay. Gay with two kids. =[ Oh, well. *Drools over picture*

 Matthew MacFadyen
He's cuuuuuute, hilarious, a wonderful actor, and I love his voice. So unique.

Matt Damon
Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. XD
I like the roles he's in. He's kind of funny. Occasionally.

Robert Downey Jr.
 Freaking hilarious. One of the funniest guys on here.
He's pretty cute too. x3

Paul Bettany
He's known for having at least his shirt off in all his movies.

Jeff Bridges
Young and old. Young = HAWT. Old = Ehhh, pretty cute.
 He's hilarious, and a great actor.

Alan Rickman
He's pretty darn cute, gotta love it when he smiles.
He's really funny, and a good actor. His voice is unique as well.

Linkin Park
Not all of my obsessions are actors. <3 I love this band so much.

This band is amazing as well. (Ryan Tedder!<3)

Harrison Ford
He had to be on this list somewhere.

Johnny Depp
(I actually started to type Jack Sparrow... Lawl)
Haaaawwwt, Hilarious, Hunky.

Antonio Banderas
Sexy if there ever was such a thing.

  Ryan Reynolds
Hot and funny. Not to mention his hair is gorgeous. And in this picture he's in a suit. <3

David TennantNeed I say more?

Nathan Fillion
Why, yes, he happens to be in his Captain Hammer outfit. What of it?
Malcolm Reynolds, I love you.

Charlie McDonnell or Charlieissocoollike or Charlieissoboredlike
Hawt and really funny. He's best known on the world of Youtube.


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